B.I.G. Love Cancer Care

Weekly Wish List Program for End of Life Patients


B.I.G. Love Cancer Care announces the expansion of their Weekly Wish List program to include additional services to patients and families in “end of life” stages of care. The program expansion was made possible by Livestrong's Acceleration Grant program that supports non-profit organizations that go beyond cancer treatment and address the needs of the whole person.

Through this grant, B.I.G. Love Cancer Care will be a partner in that mission by providing support to children and their families during the most devastating time as they come to the end of their cancer journey.

"As a mother who has lost a child to cancer, I know far too well the helplessness and devastation families face during end of life care," said Jessica Phillips, founder of B.I.G. Love Cancer Care. “There are very little services and options for children dying from cancer. It is a very different journey than that of an adult, and we were at a complete loss as to how to best handle our last moments with Brooke.

"While we struggled through the worst days of our lives, we want to change that experience for other families by offering them the resources that were not available to us. There is so much that needs to change in our current system for children, but with the help of Livestrong, we can help families in their greatest time of need today."