Page 117 - LIVESTRONG Digital Guidebook
P. 117

“I deal with my fear of recurrence by getting involved. I am involved with

a group of young breast cancer survivors, and I try to be there for newly

diagnosed people.” 					 	 	                                                                               —AUDRA O.

Anxiety                                                or another member of your health care team
Some survivors experience worry or anxiety right       right away. There is no need for you and your
after treatment ends. This is a time when there        loved ones to suffer with depression.
may be many questions. You may have concerns
about how cancer could affect your future. Talk        Grief
with loved ones and members of your health care        Grief is a natural response to loss that can last
team about your concerns. If needed, ask for a         for quite some time. It generally comes with
referral to a licensed social worker or counselor      losing someone or something that has been
to help you deal with your worries.                    important to you. In addition to a deep sad-
                                                       ness, the grieving process may also include
Concerns about physical appearance                     stages of denial and anger before one is able to
Physical changes during treatment may bring            reach a full acceptance of the loss. Many cancer
concerns about the way you look. There may be          survivors find comfort in talking with someone
worries about what other people might think.           they trust such as a loved one, friend or faith-
There can be a change in how you see yourself as       based counselor. A support group, licensed
you are adjusting to life after treatment. If you are  social worker or counselor can also help sur-
worried about physical changes, talk with your         vivors and their loved ones deal with loss and
health care provider about your concerns and           grief that does not go away.
what can be done to make things better.
Sadness                                                Some survivors have feelings of guilt following
Sadness is a very common response after treat-         completion of cancer treatment. Guilt comes
ment ends. This is often the time when cancer          from thinking that you are to blame for some-
survivors have time to think about the changes         thing. Some may think that they did something
that have happened.                                    that caused the cancer. Others might feel guilt
	 It is normal for survivors to feel sad as they       because they survived while others did not. Still
adjust to the changes that have occurred. How-         others may worry that too much of a burden
ever, sadness should not last for a long time.         was placed on loved ones. Whatever the cause,
Talk to loved ones and your health care team if        guilt is a complicated emotion.
sadness begins to feel overwhelming. Tell your         	 Cancer survivors do not need to carry the
health care provider about sadness that does           burden of guilt. If you have these feelings, start
not go away.                                           by acknowledging them. This can be the first
                                                       step towards letting guilt go. Talk with loved
Depression                                             ones and others you trust about how you feel.
Change and loss can result in stress that begins       A social worker or other licensed counselor
to feel overwhelming. Long-term stressful situa-       can help you release these feelings and move
tions can bring depression. So can sadness that        forward with your life.
goes on for too long. Depression is a serious
condition. It can be caused by or made worse           Uncertainty
by chemical changes in the brain.                      Cancer can leave you feeling unsure about the
	 People who are depressed may need                    future condition of your health. Most cancer
medical treatment to get better. Treatment can         survivors live with some feelings of uncertainty.
include medication and counseling. If you think        For example, you may feel nervous before
you may be depressed, talk with your physician         medical follow-up appointments. An important                           A F T E R T R E AT M E N T 117

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