Page 123 - LIVESTRONG Digital Guidebook
P. 123

Developing a
Survivorship Care Plan

Every day there are increasing numbers of cancer survivors. Advances in medicine and health care tech-
nology have made this possible. Many survivors live full and healthy lives after cancer treatment is done.
However, cancer can become a chronic (or long-term) condition for some.

Chronic conditions may include an increased risk for          •	How to find quality health care and other
a recurrence of cancer or a high risk of developing a          support services
new type. There might also be concerns about long-            Work with your health care team to take the fol-
term emotional issues, physical limitations or cogni-     lowing steps to create your Survivorship Care Plan:
tive changes such as memory loss.
                                                          STEP 1 — CREATE A RECORD
    Survivorship after treatment is an important phase    OF YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY.
of cancer care. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM)
report, From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost      A record of your medical history is helpful to loved
in Transition, recommends that each cancer patient        ones and to health care providers. It should include
receive a “Survivorship Care Plan.” This plan for well-   all medical issues with dates, symptoms, treatments
ness can help you continue to receive the best health     received and side effects. Include facts from as far
care for your situation. The information in this section  back as possible.
is based on the general recommendations of the IOM.
                                                              Include the following information in your
    A Survivorship Care Plan should include               medical history:
the following items:
                                                             •	 Types of vaccinations and immunizations
    •	Record of your medical history                           you have had
    •	Summary of your cancer diagnosis
     and treatment                                           •	 Information about ongoing health
    •	Follow-up plan for health care                           problems including dental issues

    Cancer survivors deserve quality health care for         •	 List of the prescribed and over-the-counter
as long as it is needed. However, some primary care            medicines you take (dates taken, name of
physicians and other health care providers who have            medication, dosage and name of the prescrib-
not specialized in cancer care may not understand all          ing health care providers)
that is needed after treatment is done.
                                                             •	 Notes about side effects or reactions you
    Work with your oncology team and primary                   had to medicines or treatments
care providers to develop a Survivorship Care Plan
that includes:                                               •	 History of pain problems including
                                                               treatments and results
    •	Specific information about your cancer
     diagnosis and treatment                                 •	 Information about specific cancer treat-
    •	Information about possible late effects and              ments and side effects
     signs of a recurrence or new cancer
    •	A schedule for follow-up health care                   •	 List of allergies and sensitivities
      including screening tests                              •	 List of past injuries and surgeries with
    •	Tips on cancer prevention and suggestions for
     maintaining a healthy lifestyle                           treatments and results
                                                             •	 Information about diet and

                                                               nutritional concerns
                                                             •	 Facts about your family’s medical history

                                                               including cancer, diabetes, heart conditions,
                                                               stroke and other issues                              A F T E R T R E AT M E N T 123

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